Wavelet analysis is a method that allows one to unfold a time series and detect features embedded in the time series such as periodicities and discontinuities. For example, wavelet analysis can be used to determine the dominant period of a sinusoid. In many applications, it is necessary to implement statistical hypothesis testing to help differentiate features that are noise from those that exceed background noise. Such methods could determine if periods of above-normal and below-normal precipitation occur in a predictable sequence, much like how a pure sinusoid fluctuates from relatively high values to relatively low values in regular intervals.
My research has focused on developing new statistical hypothesis tests in wavelet analysis that can be used to help more fully understand a variety of time series, ranging from financial times series to geophysical ones. This research has afforded me the opportunity to merge ideas from geometry, topology, and statistics. A description of my wavelet analysis research is provided below. Additional links to various software packages that I created are also provided.
In a geometric significance test (Schulte et al., 2015), the area of so-called point-wise significance patches are used to assess the statistical significance of wavelet quantities corresponding to points contained in the patches. Before the test can be implemented, the set of all points in the time-scale plane whose associated point-wise test p-values are less than the point-wise significance level must be identified. That is, the set
Topological methods offer another method for determining the significance of features found in wavelet spectra by counting the number of holes and path-components found in the set Ppw comprising all points in the time-scale plane that are point-wise significant (Schulte et al., 2015; Schulte, 2019). More generally, the toplogical significance test evaluates statistical significance by counting the number of holes and path-components at every point-wise significance level. This idea is made precise and formal usng a method called persistent homology. Suppose that the point-wise test was performed at M point-wise significance levels such that the point-wise significance levels satisfy
Cumulative areawise testing is similar to geometric significance testing except
that the areas of patches are tracked as the pointwise significance level is
changed (Schulte, 2016; Schulte, 2019). The procedure has more statistical power than
existing methods.The method combines ideas from persistent homology in
topology with ideas from geometric significance testing. More specifically, it was shown in Schulte (2019), the output of the cumulative area-wise testing procedure is the mean of individual estimates of statistical significance calculated from the geometric test applied at a set of point-wise significance levels. Thus, the cumulative area-wise test is an ensemble method in which the cumulative area test statistic is used to filter out noise associated with the geometric test applied at a single point-wise significance level. In other words, the individual geometric test results can be identified with ensemble members and the cumulative area-wise test result can be identified with the ensemble mean of the ensemble members.
The MATLAB software to implement the cumulative areawise significance
test can be
at the MATLAB file exchange website by
clicking here.
For nonlinear time series, it is necessary to use higher-order spectral analysis
to examine higher-order moments such as skewness and kurtosis in frequency
space (Schulte, 2016). Higher-order wavelet analysis
can be used to quantify cycle geometry such as skewness and asymmetry
The MATLAB software to implement higher-order wavelet analysis can be
at the MATLAB file exchange website by
clicking here.
Global wavelet coherence (Schulte et al., 2016; Schulte et al., 2018) measures the strength of the relationship between two time
series as a function of frequency or period. It can be regarded as the time-averaged
version of the more traditional wavelet coherence.
The MATLAB software to compute global coherence can be
at the MATLAB file exchange website by clicking
Phase-aware ensemble forecasting is an ensemble forecasting method that takes into
account time lags among ensemble members. Associated with a phase-aware ensemble
forecast is a phase-aware mean, which is the average waveform of the ensemble
system. The phase-aware mean contrasts with the traditional ensemble mean because the
ensemble mean is a time series whose values at each point in time
are calculated by averaging ensemble member values at each time point without regard
to the
waveforms and time lags of the ensemble members. In other words, the phase-aware mean
operates on a set of trajectories, whereas the traditional ensemble mean operates on
a set of points. The phase-aware mean treats the individual ensemble members as
objects and the ensemble mean treats individual points as objects. Uncertainty
the phase-aware
mean is captured by
phase-aware spread. The phase-aware ensemble forecast may comprise a larger set of
ensemble members than the original ensemble forecast from which the
phase-aware forecast is obtained. The larger set of ensemble members is acquired by
computing all possible combinations of phase and modulus spectra associated with the
original ensemble members.
The difference between the ensemble and phase-aware means can be illustrated using a simple example. Suppose we have a set of N sinusoids A1sin(ft +φ1), A2sin(ft +φ2),..., ANsin(ft +φN) with equal frequencies. In this case, the phase-aware mean is
The cumulative arcwise testing is the lower-dimensional version of cumulative
areawise testing (Schulte et al., 2018). The cumulative arcwise test resolves two drawbacks of
traditional pointwise testing of global wavelet spectra. The first problem is that
adjacent wavelet quantities are correlated so that statistically significant
results will tend to cluster and form pointwise significance arcs or peaks The
cumulative arcwise test treats the pointwise significance arcs as single
evaluates the statistical significance of the arcs based on the arc length. The
length is an integrated metric that takes into account the width of the pointwise
significance arc in frequency space and the height of the peak relative to the
critical level of the pointwise test. Because the result of the arcwise test could
be sensitive to the choice pointwise significance level, the cumulative arcwise
tracks the arc length of a pointwise significance arc as the pointwise
level changes. The arc length of a pointwise significance arc will always decrease
as the critical level of the pointwise test increases (as the pointwise
decreases, say,
from 0.1 to 0.05).
The MATLAB software to implement the cumulative arcwise test can be found by
clicking here.